Practice Director - Occupational Therapist
Steph has over 15 years experience as an occupational therapist within early childhood intervention and school aged services with children that have a wide range of diagnoses and needs. She uses a strength based and family centred approach within her practice. Steph is able to support families using both direct therapy and coaching to enable you to feel confident helping your child to achieve success. Steph has a strong background in sensory interventions, specifically working with children with a history of trauma, and children with autism spectrum disorders. Steph loves individual therapy, presenting workshops, supervising and mentoring the next generation of therapists, and thinking outside the box. She has designed numerous sensory spaces in the Grampians region, and consulted with welfare agencies regarding sensory friendly environmental design.
Steph has additional training in the following:​
Certified DIR/Floortime Practititioner
Advanced training in the SOS (Sequential Oral Sensory) Approach to support meal time participation
Sensory processing and regulation.
The Perceive: Recall: Plan and Perform System of Task Analysis for supporting functional participation in activities of daily living.
Westmead Feelings Program supporting emotional intelligence for children with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability.
Certified Cognitive Orientation to Occupational Performance (CO-OP Approach) practitioner.
Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition (ADOS-2).
Steph is available for appointments Monday to Thursday.